Store Descriptive Statistics - Options
main topic
    see also      

Stat > Basic Statistics > Store Descriptive Statistics > Options

Select among options for calculating and storing when you use a By variable.

Dialog box items

Store a row of output for each row of input: Check this option if you want Minitab to append the appropriate statistics to each row of input data. (By default, Minitab stores the requested statistics at the top of the worksheet only.)

Include empty cells: If you choose more than one By variable, Minitab stores summary statistics for all combinations of the By variable levels, including combinations for which there are no data (called empty cells). If you do not want to store empty cells, uncheck this option.

Include missing as a By level: Check this option to include missing values as a distinct level of the By variable. (By default, Minitab ignores data from rows with missing values in a By column.)

Store distinct values of By variables: Uncheck this option if you do not want Minitab to include columns in the summary data that indicate the levels of the By variables.