Store Descriptive Statistics - Statistics
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Stat > Basic Statistics > Store Descriptive Statistics > Statistics

Allows you to choose the statistics that you wish to store.

Dialog box items

Mean: Choose to store the arithmetic mean.

SE of mean: Choose to store the standard error of the mean.

Standard deviation: Choose to store the standard deviation of the data.

Variance: Choose to store the variance of the data.

Coefficient of variation: Choose to store the coefficient of variation.

First quartile: Choose to store the first quartile.

Median: Choose to store the median.

Third quartile: Choose to store the third quartile.

Interquartile range: Choose to store the difference between the first and third quartiles.

Trimmed mean: Choose to store the trimmed mean.

Sum: Choose to store the data sum.

Minimum: Choose to store the data minimum.

Maximum: Choose to store the data maximum.

Range: Choose to store the data range.

N nonmissing: Choose to store the number of nonmissing column entries.

N missing: Choose to store the number of missing column entries.

N total: Choose to store the total (nonmissing and missing) number of column entries.

Cumulative N: Choose to store the cumulative number of entries.

Percent: Choose to store the percent of observations that a group constitutes. The percent will be 100 unless you use a By variable.

Cumulative percent: Choose to store the cumulative percent.

Sum of squares: Choose to store the sum of the squared data values. This is the uncorrected sums of squares, without first subtracting the mean.

Skewness: Choose to store the skewness value.

Kurtosis: Choose to store the kurtosis value

MSSD: Choose to store half the Mean of Successive Squared Differences.