Stat > Multivariate > Factor Analysis > Storage
Allows you to store factor loadings, factor score coefficients, factor or standard scores, rotation matrix, residual matrix, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. You can then use this information for further analysis. See Factor analysis storage for more information.
Loadings: Enter storage columns for the factor loadings. You must enter one column for each factor. If a rotation was specified, Minitab stores the values for the rotated factor loadings These can be input using <Options> and specifying the columns under Loadings for initial solutions.
Coefficients: Enter storage columns for the factor coefficients. You must enter one column for each factor.
Scores: Enter storage columns for the scores. You must enter one column for each factor. Minitab calculates factor scores by multiplying factor score coefficients and your data after they have been centered by subtracting means. (Note: Scores must be calculated from raw data, therefore the Use matrix option must not be selected. See <Options>.)
Rotation matrix: Enter a location to store the matrix used to rotate the initial loadings. You may enter a matrix name or number (for example, M3). The rotation matrix is the matrix used to rotate the initial loadings. If L is the matrix of initial loadings and M is the rotation matrix, LM is the matrix of rotated loadings.
Residual matrix: Enter a location to store the residual matrix. The residual matrix for the initial and rotated solutions are the same. You may enter a matrix name or number (for example, M3). The residual matrix is (A-LL'), where A is the correlation or covariance matrix and L is a matrix of loadings. The residual matrix is the same for initial or rotated solutions.
Eigenvalues: Enter a column to store the eigenvalues of the matrix that was factored. The eigenvalues are stored in numerical order from largest to smallest. To store eigenvalues, you must do the initial extraction using principal components. You can plot the eigenvalues to obtain a Scree plot.
Eigenvector matrix: Enter a matrix to store the eigenvectors of the matrix that was factored. Each vector is stored as a column of the matrix, in the same order as the eigenvalues.