Best Subsets Regression - Options
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Stat > Regression > Regression > Best Subsets > Options

Enter the minimum and maximum number of free predictors, how many "best" models to print, and whether or not to fit the intercept term.

Dialog box items

Free Predictor(s) in Each Model: By default, Best Subsets displays the best 1-predictor models, the best 2-predictor models, on up to the best m-predictor models. If you give a range, say from 5 to 12, then only the best 5-, 6-,..., 12-predictor models are displayed. Note that this does not include the predictors you specified in Predictors in all models in the Best Subsets dialog box. For example, if you specified two variables for inclusion in all models, and then set the minimum and maximum to 5 and 12, respectively, models with 7 to 14 predictors will be displayed.

Minimum: Specify the minimum number of free predictors to be added to the model.

Maximum: Specify the maximum number of free predictors to be added to the model.

Models of each size to print: Specify a number from 1 to 5. For example if you choose 3, Minitab will display information from the "best" 3 models of each size (if there are that many).

Fit intercept: Uncheck to exclude the intercept term from the regression models.

Display PRESS: Check to display the prediction sum of squares (PRESS).