To do a binary logistic regression
main topic
    see also      

1    Choose Stat > Regression > Binary Logistic Regression > Fit Binary Logistic Model.

2    Do one of the following:

·    If your data is in raw or frequency form, follow these steps:

1) Choose Response in binary response/frequency format.

2)  In Response, enter the column that contains the response variable.

3) In Frequency, enter the optional column that contains the count or frequency variable.

·    If you have summarized data, follow these steps:

1) Choose Response in event/trial format.

2)  In Number of events, enter the column that contains the number of times the event occurred in your sample at each combination of the predictor values.

3) In Number of trials, enter the column that contains the corresponding number of trials.

See Entering data for response variables.

3    In Continuous predictors, enter the columns that contain continuous predictors. In Categorical predictors, enter the columns that contain categorical predictors. You can add interactions and other higher order terms to the model. See Model.

4    If you like, use one or more of the dialog box options, then click OK.