Nonlinear Regression - Options
main topic
     see also

Stat > Regression > Nonlinear Regression > Options

Use to perform weighted regression, specify the confidence level and type of confidence interval, choose the convergence algorithm, specify the maximum number of iterations, and specify the convergence tolerance.

Dialog box items

Weights: Enter a column of weights to perform weighted regression. Weights must be greater than or equal to zero, and the length of the column must match the length of the response column.

Confidence level for all intervals: Enter the confidence level. The default is 95.

Algorithm: To estimate the parameters, Minitab uses an algorithm to converge on the minimum sum of the squared residuals (SSE).

Gauss-Newton: Choose the Gauss-Newton algorithm.

Levenberg-Marquardt: Choose the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.

See Understanding Algorithms and Starting Values - Nonlinear Regression for more information.

Maximum number of iterations: Enter the maximum number of iterations that the algorithm can use to achieve convergence.

Convergence tolerance: Enter the convergence tolerance.