Orthogonal Regression - Options
main topic
see also  

Stat > Regression > Orthogonal Regression > Options

Use to specify the confidence level, predict new observations of X, and store the predicted values and their standard deviations.

Dialog box items

Confidence level: Type the desired confidence level (for example, type 90 for 90%). The default is 95%.

Predict Y by entering new observations of X: Type the numeric predictor value, enter a column of predictors, or enter a constant that contains the predictor. The data type of the predictor must match the data type of the predictor column used in the main dialog box.


Predicted values: Check to store the predicted value(s) in a column of the worksheet.

Standard deviations of the predicted values: Check to store the standard deviation(s) of the predicted value(s) in a column in the worksheet.