Use the table below to learn more about PLS graphs. To create any of these graphs, see Partial Least Squares - Graphs.
PLS graph |
Definition |
Use to... |
Model selection plot |
Scatterplot of the R2 and predicted R2 values as a function of the number of components. The vertical line indicates number of components in the optimal model. |
Compare the modeling and predictive powers of models with different numbers of components. |
Response plot |
Scatterplot of the fitted and cross-validated responses versus the actual responses. |
Show how well the model fits and predicts. Large differences in fitted and cross-validated values indicate leverage points. |
Coefficient plot |
Projected scatterplot of the unstandardized regression coefficients. |
View sign and the magnitude of the relationship between predictors and responses. |
Standardized coefficient plot |
Projected scatterplot of the standardized regression coefficients. |
View sign and the magnitude of the relationship between predictors and responses when predictors are not on the same scale. |
Distance plot |
Scatterplot of each observation's distance from the x-model and distance from y-model. |
Identify leverage points and outliers. |
Residual histogram |
Histogram of the standardized residuals. |
Check the normality of your residuals. Histograms should show a bell-shaped distribution. |
Residual normal probability plot |
Scatterplot of the standardized residuals versus the normal scores. |
Check the normality of your residuals. Points should follow a straight line. |
Residual versus fit plot |
Scatterplot of the standardized residuals versus the fitted responses. |
Identify outliers and check for patterns in the residuals. |
Residual versus leverage plot |
Scatterplot of the standardized residuals versus leverages. |
Residual fourpack |
Layout of residual histogram, residual normal plot, residual versus fit plot, and residual versus order plot on one page. |
View residual plots simultaneously. |
Score plot |
Scatterplot of the x-scores from the first and second components. |
Display the overall configuration of the data using the first two components to identify leverage points or clusters of points. |
3D score plot |
3D scatterplot of the x-scores from the first, second, and third components. |
Display the overall configuration of the data using the first three components to identify leverage points or clusters of points. |
Loading plot |
Connected scatterplot of the x-loadings from the first and second components. |
Display the correlation between the loadings of each predictor on the first and second components. Compare the importance of predictors to the model. |
Residual X plot |
Connected scatterplot of the x-residuals, in which each line represents an observation and has as many points as predictors. |
Identify observations or predictors that are poorly explained by the model. |
Calculated X plot |
Connected scatterplot of the x-calculated values, in which each line represents an observation and has as many points as predictors. |
Identify observations or predictors that are poorly explained by the model. |