Stat > Regression > Regression > Fit Regression Model > Storage
You can store diagnostic measures and characteristics of the estimated regression equation for future use. Minitab stores the checked values in the next available columns and names the columns.
Fits: Check to store the fitted values.
Residuals: Check to store the residuals.
Standardized residuals: Check to store the standardized residuals.
Deleted residuals: Check to store the Studentized deleted residuals.
Leverages: Check to store the leverages.
Cook's distance: Check to store Cook's distance.
DFITS: Check to store the DFITS.
Coefficients: Check to store the estimated coefficients of the regression equation. These are the same coefficients as are printed in the output. If some terms are removed because the data cannot support them, the removed terms do not appear on the output.
Design matrix: Check to store the design matrix that corresponds to your model. Minitab takes the factors, creates the squares and cross-products, and stores all of these in a matrix. To view the matrix in the Session window, choose Data > Display Data. This stores the design matrix for use in other Minitab commands. To view the matrix in the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.
Box-Cox Transformation: If you transform your response variable, you can store information about the transformation.
Box-Cox transformation of response: Check to store the transformed values of the response variable.
Fits for original response: Check to store the fits for the original response.