Entering the ARIMA model
main topic
After you have identified one or more likely models, you need to specify
the model in the main ARIMA dialog box.
· If
you want to fit a seasonal model, check Fit
seasonal model and enter a number to specify the period. The period
is the span of the seasonality or the interval at which the pattern is
repeated. The default period is 12.
You must check Fit
seasonal model before you can enter the seasonal autoregressive
and moving average parameters or the number of seasonal differences to
· To
specify autoregressive and moving average parameters to include in nonseasonal
or seasonal ARIMA models, enter a value from 0 to 5. The maximum is 5.
At least one of these parameters must be nonzero. The total for all parameters
must not exceed 10. For most data, no more than two autoregressive parameters
or two moving average parameters are required in ARIMA models.
Suppose you enter 2 in the box for Moving
Average under Seasonal,
the model will include first and second order moving average terms.
· To
specify the number of nonseasonal and/or seasonal differences to take,
enter a number in the appropriate box. If you request one seasonal difference
with k as the seasonal period, the kth difference will be taken.
· To
include the constant in the model, check Include
constant term in model.
· You
may want to specify starting values for the parameter estimates. You must
first enter the starting values in a worksheet column in the following
order: AR's (autoregressive parameters), seasonal AR's, MA's (moving average
parameters), seasonal MA's, and if you checked Include
constant term in model enter the starting value for the constant
in the last row of the column. This is the same order in which the parameters
appear on the output. Check Starting
values for coefficients, and enter the column containing the starting
values for each parameter included in the model. Default starting values
are 0.1 except for the constant.