Decomposition - Storage
main topic
    see also      

Stat > Time Series > Decomposition > Storage

Stores various values in the worksheet.

Dialog box items

Trend line: Check to store the trend component data. This is the trend component; it does not contain the error or seasonal component.

Detrended data: Check to store the detrended data (has seasonal and error components, no trend)

Seasonals: Check to store the seasonal component data (has seasonal component, no error or trend).

Seasonally adjusted data: Check to store the data which has had the seasonal component removed (has trend and error components, no seasonal).

Fits: Check to store the fitted values. These are the combination of trend and seasonal components, with no error component.

Residuals: Check to store the residuals. If you store the residuals you can generate diagnostic plots using Autocorrelation.

Forecasts: Check to store the forecasts. This option is available only if you generated forecasts in the main Decomposition dialog box.