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Stat > Time Series > menu command > Time

Specify the time scale.

Dialog box items

Time Scale: Change the x-axis of the scale you specify.

Index: Choose to number the x-axis with a single scale from 1 to n by ones (where n is the number of observations in the column containing the time series).

Calendar: Choose to label the x-axis with different time unit scales. For example, if you choose Month Quarter Year, Minitab assumes that your data are in intervals of 1 month and generates 3 scales on the x-axis: 1 for months, 1 for quarters, and 1 for years. At each 4th tick on the month scale, Minitab generates a tick on the quarter scale. At each 4th tick on the quarter scale, Minitab generates a tick on the Year scale.

Clock: Choose to label the x-axis with different time unit scales. For example, if you choose Day Hour Minute, Minitab assumes that your data are in minute intervals and generates 3 scales on the x-axis: 1 for days, 1 for hours, and 1 for minutes. At each 60th tick on the minute scale, Minitab generates a tick on the hour scale. At each 24th tick on the hour scale, Minitab generates a tick on the Day scale.

Start value(s): Enter the integer start values.

Data Increment: Enter a value to increment the time scale.

Stamp: Choose to add a date/time stamp on the x-axis. Enter a date/time column in the text box. The values are stamped on the plot in the same format as they appear in the column.