Analyze Factorial Design

Residual Plots - Residuals versus the Variables


This graph plots the residuals versus another variable. The residuals should fluctuate in a random pattern around the center line. If the variable is already included in the model, use the plot to determine if you should add a higher-order term of the variable. If the variable is not already included in the model, use the plot to determine if the variable is influencing the response in a systematic way.

Use this plot to look for the following:

This pattern...


Pattern in residuals

The variable is influencing the response in a systematic way

Curvature in the points

A higher-order term of the variable should be included in the model


Example Output



For the insulation data, the residuals appear to be randomly scattered about zero. No evidence exists that there is a pattern in the residuals or curvature in the data. The plot indicates that machine does not seem to have a systematic effect on the response.


The researchers could have included Machine as a blocking variable in the design and accounted for any influence that machine difference had on the strength measurements.