Capability Sixpack - Between/Within

Standard deviations


The standard deviation section consists of the following:

·    Between standard deviation - a measure of the variation between subgroups.

·    Within standard deviation - a measure of the variation within subgroups.

·    Between/Within standard deviation - a measure of the between/within standard deviation, calculated by combining the between-subgroup and within-subgroup variation.

Example Output

I-MR-R/S Standard Deviations of Coating 


Standard Deviations


Between         0.683918

Within          0.413949

Between/Within  0.799435


For the coating data:

·    Between standard deviation - The between standard deviation is 0.683918.

·    Within standard deviation - The within standard deviation is 0.413949.

·    Between/Within standard deviation - The between/within standard deviation is 0.799435.

The standard deviation estimates that are displayed in the Session window are for the control charts. These estimates are likely to be different from those used to calculate the capability statistics.