Example of comparing variable acceptance sampling plans
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You have implemented a variables sampling plan to verify the pipe wall thickness of incoming 2" pipe. The lower specification for the wall thickness of the piping is 0.09". You and the supplier agree that the AQL is 100 defectives per million and the RQL is 300 defectives per million. Based on these specifications, you need to randomly select and measure 104 pipes of the 2500 per lot. If the calculated Z value is greater than the critical distance (3.55750), you can accept the entire lot. See Example of creating a variables acceptance sampling plan.

Because you have not been doing any kind of structured inspection before, the shift supervisor thinks this will take too much time. He suggested that you sample about 50. While you think this is too low, you agree to examine a few different possibilities to highlight the risks and benefits of each plan.

1    Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Acceptance Sampling by Variables >Create / Compare.

2    Choose Compare user defined sampling plans.

3    In Units for quality levels, choose Defectives per million.

4    In Acceptable quality level (AQL), enter 100. In Rejectable quality level (RQL or LTPD), enter 300.


When comparing sampling plans, it is not necessary to specify AQL and RQL, as it is when you create a sampling plan.

5    In Sample sizes, enter 50 75 100 104. In Critical distance (k values), enter 3.55750.

6    In Lower spec, enter 0.09.

7    In Historical standard deviation, enter 0.025.

8    In Lot size, enter 2500.

9    Click OK.

Session window output

Acceptance Sampling by Variables - Create/Compare



Lot quality in defectives per million



Lower Specification Limit (LSL)         0.09

Historical Standard Deviation           0.025

Lot Size                                2500


Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)          100

Rejectable Quality Level (RQL or LTPD)  300



Compare User Defined Plan(s)



 Sample     Critical   Defectives  Probability  Probability

Size(n)  Distance(k)  Per Million    Accepting    Rejecting   AOQ     ATI

     50       3.5575          100        0.873        0.127  85.6   360.4

     50       3.5575          300        0.187        0.813  54.9  2042.6


     75       3.5575          100        0.919        0.081  89.1   271.3

     75       3.5575          300        0.138        0.862  40.1  2165.8


    100       3.5575          100        0.947        0.053  90.9   227.5

    100       3.5575          300        0.104        0.896  30.0  2250.3


    104       3.5575          100        0.950        0.050  91.1   223.2

    104       3.5575          300        0.100        0.900  28.6  2261.3



Sample     Critical         At Defectives

  Size  Distance(k)   AOQL    Per Million

    50       3.5575   96.8          148.3

    75       3.5575  101.0          141.9

   100       3.5575  104.2          140.1

   104       3.5575  104.6          140.0


Z.LSL = (mean - lower spec)/historical standard deviation

Accept lot if Z.LSL ≥ k; otherwise reject.

Graph window output

Graphs - Acceptance Sampling by Variables


Interpreting the results

Comparing these graphs, you can easily make a case for reducing your sample from 104 to an even 100. The probability of acceptance at the AQL and the RQL only changes by less than 0.5% (0.95 - 0.947). Also the AOQ change as well as the ATI change is minimal.

You also decide that a sample size of 50 will not protect you, the consumer, or the producer well enough. With a sample size of 50, you have a 18.7% probability of accepting a lot at the RQL (300 PPM), too high for your comfort. Also, you have a 12.7% probability of rejecting a lot that should be accepted at the AQL (100 PPM), too high for your producer.

You need to think about the scenario of sampling 75 pipes a bit more. The risks associated with the probabilities of acceptance seem reasonable, considering you had not been doing any sampling before. You also know that your supplier is working to decrease pipe thickness variability and will be doing more monitoring at his site. So you decide to call together all the parties involved and make an informed decision considering all these things. Perhaps you will choose a sample size somewhere between 75 and 100.