Capability Analysis (Normal Distribution) - Estimation of Standard deviation
main topic
see also 

Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Normal > Estimate

Controls number of observations used in estimating standard deviation.

You can set preferences for the estimation of s using Tools > Options > Control Charts and Quality Tools > Estimating Sigma.


If you select the Johnson transformation, these estimation options are ignored because Minitab is unable to estimate the within subgroup variation.

Dialog box items

Methods of estimating standard deviation

(for subgroup size > 1):

Rbar: Choose to estimate standard deviation using the average of the subgroup ranges.

Sbar: Choose to estimate standard deviation using the average of the subgroup standard deviations.

Pooled standard deviation: Choose to estimate standard deviation using a pooled standard deviation.

Use unbiasing constants: Uncheck to estimate within-subgroup standard deviation not using unbiasing constants. The default is to use the unbiasing constants.

(for subgroup size = 1): Minitab generally estimates standard deviation using the sample standard deviations or ranges of each subgroup. But when the subgroup size is 1 you cannot calculate sample standard deviations or ranges. Minitab estimates standard deviation using moving ranges instead.

Average moving range: Choose to estimate standard deviation using the average of the moving range.

Median moving range: Choose to estimate standard deviation using the median of the moving range.

Square root of MSSD: Choose to estimate standard deviation using the mean squared successive differences.

Use moving range of length: Choose to enter the number of observations used to calculate the moving range. By default, a span of 2 is used as consecutive values have the greatest chance of being alike. The span must be < 100.

Use unbiasing constants to calculate overall standard deviation: Check to estimate the overall standard deviation using unbiasing constants. The default is to not use the unbiasing constants.