Tolerance Intervals - Options
main topic
see also 

Stat > Quality Tools > Tolerance Intervals > Options

Specify the confidence level, the minimum percentage of the population to cover, and the type of tolerance interval.

Dialog box items

Confidence level: Enter the level of confidence desired. Enter any number between 0 and 100. The default is 95.

Minimum percentage of population in interval: Enter the minimum percentage value. Depending on the type of tolerance interval you specify below, this is the minimum proportion of the population that has measurements falling within a range, above a value, or below a value. The default is 95.

Tolerance interval

Two-sided: Choose to find the central range containing the minimum percentage of population.

Lower bound: Choose to find the lower value that the minimum percentage of population is greater than.

Upper bound: Choose to find the upper value that the minimum percentage of population is less than.