Interpreting the tests for randomness
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A normal pattern for a process in control is one of randomness. If only common causes of variation exist in your process, the data exhibit random behavior.

The following table illustrates what the two tests for randomness can tell you. See Interpreting the test for number of runs about the median and Interpreting the test for number of runs up or down for more details.

Test for randomness



Number of runs about the


More runs observed than   


Mixed data from two population


Fewer runs observed than


Clustering of data

Number of runs

up or down

More runs observed than


Oscillation - data varies up and down



Fewer runs observed than


Trending of data

Both tests are based on individual observations when the subgroup size is equal to one. When the subgroup size is greater than one, the tests are based on either the subgroup means (the default) or the subgroup medians.

With both tests, the null hypothesis is that the data have a random sequence. Run Chart converts the observed number of runs into a test statistic that is approximately standard normal, then uses the normal distribution to obtain p-values. See [1] for details. The two p-values correspond to the one-sided probabilities associated with the test statistic. When either is smaller than your a-value (significance level), reject the hypothesis of randomness. Assume the test for randomness in the examples is significant at an a-value of 0.05.