Zone Chart Options - Weights/Reset
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Stat > Control Charts > Variables Charts for Subgroups > Zone > Zone Options > Weights/Reset

Controls the weights assigned to each zone, reset the cumulative score when an out-of-control point is encountered, and store the zone scores. Weights must be > 0, but do not need to be integers. When you use noninteger weights, Minitab rounds the scores displayed on the chart. See [6] for a discussion of the various weighting schemes.

Dialog box items


Zone 1 - Within 1 standard deviation of center line: Type the weight for zone 1 (default is 0).

Zone 2 - Between 1 and 2 standard deviations: Type the weight for zone 2 (default is 2).

Zone 3 - Between 2 and 3 standard deviations: Type the weight for zone 3 (default is 4).

Zone 4 - More than 3 standard deviations: Type the weight for zone 4 (default is 8). Minitab uses the zone 4 weight as the critical value when a process is out of control.  

Reset cumulative score after each signal: Check to reset the cumulative score to zero following each out-of-control signal. When a process is out of control, you should attempt to find and eliminate the cause of the problem. If you correct the problem, reset the cumulative score to zero.