ISO method for nonnormal capability analysis

One of two methods Minitab offers to calculate process capability statistics for nonnormal processes. The other option is the Minitab method. This method, recommended by the International Organization for Standardization, calculates capability statistics from the 0.135, 50.0, and 99.865 percentiles of the distribution you specify to model the data. The portion of the data distribution between the 0.135th and 99.865th percentiles corresponds to the 6s spread calculated in capability analysis for normal data.

The ISO method calculates capability statistics as follows:


X0.5 - LSL

X0.5 - X0.00135




USL - X0.5

X0.99865 - X0.5



Pp =


X0.99865 - X0.00135


USL = Upper specification limit

LSL = Lower specification limit

X0.99865 = The 99.865th percentile of the distribution you specify to model the data

X0.00135 = The 0.135th percentile of the distribution you specify to model the data

X0.5 = The 50th percentile, or median, of the distribution you specify to model the data