Variables charts

Control charts that plot continuous measurement process data, such as length or pressure, in a time-ordered sequence. In contrast, attributes control charts plot count data, such as the number of defects or defective units. Variables charts, like all control charts, help you identify causes of variation to investigate, so that you can take action on your process without over-controlling it.

There are two main types of variables control charts: for subgroups and for individuals. Choose the appropriate one for your data.

For subgroups

Each point on the graph represents a subgroup; that is, a group of units produced under the same set of conditions. For example, you want to chart the diameter of mold-injected plastic parts. If you measure the diameter of five pieces taken at the beginning of every hour, your subgroup size would be five. Variables charts for subgroups include Xbar, R, S, and Zone.

Xbar chart

R chart

Plots the process mean over time. Use to track the process level and detect the presence of special causes affecting the mean.

Plots the process range over time. Use to track process variation and detect unexpected variation.

S chart

Zone chart

Plots the process standard deviation over time. Use to track the process variation and detect unexpected variation.

Plots the cumulative scores based on "zones" at 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations from the center line. Use to detect unexpected variation.


Minitab also offers several combination charts for subgroups: Xbar-R, Xbar-S, I-MR-R/S (between/within). Use these to view several types of charts at once.

For individuals

Each point on the graph represents an individual measurement; thus, the subgroup size is 1. Individuals charts are used when measurements are expensive, production volume is low, or products have a long cycle time; for example, to test the impact strength of parts (destructive testing). Minitab Individuals charts include individuals charts and moving range charts.

I chart

Moving range chart

Plots individual observations over time. Use to track the process level and detect the presence of special causes.

Plots the moving range over time. Use to track the process variation and detect the presence of special causes.


Minitab also offers I-MR and Z-MR combination charts for individuals. Use these to view two types of charts at once.

Other types

Minitab also offers two other types of variables charts for more complex applications:

·    Time weighted charts Use historical data points to help you track small shifts in a process.

·    Multivariate charts Show how correlated variables jointly influence a process or outcome.