品质协会 发表于 2017-8-10 23:35:31

PL lamps是什么意思? Philips PL lamps 什么类型的灯负载?

PL lamps是什么意思? 关于PL lamps, 这种类型的负载,前几年还是比较多,最近这年吧貌似被CFL、LED给取代,这里的PL貌似是Plug lamp的意思,也就是横插灯,有专用的lamp base(灯座),有2pin和4pin的两个分类,参考下图:

PL lamps电气特性类似CFL,它的lamp base集成了驱动电路,上面安装PL lamps,在PL lamps坏掉之后,可以更换PL lamps即可,不需要同时更换下面的lamp base,可以降低成本。

我写这篇文章的目的是,如果你的产品支持这种类型的负载,在做完正常的功能性测试之后,需要做可靠性测试,测试方法可以参考最新的IEC 60669-1 系列的 19.3 款,如果负载超过标准的上面的限制,那么,就需要按照实际情况来做测试。


Philips PL lamps are professional energy saving lamps. The PL lamps of Philips can be recognised by the lamp base. This is a bi -or four pin lamp base that clicks into the lamp fitting. Why do Philips PL lamps have a click fitting?

Philips uses the international click fitting standards, also used by Osram, GE and Sylvania. This lamp base is used because the ballast is not included in the PL lamp. In a regular (home use) energy saving lamp, the ballast is included in the lamp base of the lamp. By using the click lamp base the lamp lasts much longer than regular energy saving lamps. By buying Philips PL lamps it's important to buy exactly the same wattage as you're using right now, other wattages won't fit in your fixture.

品质协会 发表于 2017-8-10 23:35:42


叶平 发表于 2017-8-11 11:11:46


我本不坏 发表于 2017-8-31 14:59:43


flyerchang 发表于 2021-4-12 09:58:07

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