PLC--Produc Life Cycle(产品生命周期)
@Nick-yun 分享:华为的项目管理思想是基于IPD(Integrated Product Development)思想。如果想深入了解的划分,可以多看看IPD的资料。IPD重点在I- Integrated
Concept phase:概念阶段
Plan Phase:规划阶段
Develop Phase:开发阶段
Qualify Phase:检验阶段
Launch Phase:推广阶段
Life cycle management Phase:生命周期
CDCP(Concept DCP):概念决策评审
PDCP(Plan DCP):计划决策评审
ADCP(Availability DCP):可获得性决策评审
EDCP(EOL DCP):生命周期终止决策评审
再来看看欧洲贵族诺基亚的项目阶段划分。这个阶段划分只是限于某些产品。看看就算了。我觉得有个亮点提一下 - 他们有一个CEX(Consumer Experience Units)部门。其实这个IPD一个思想有点类似,就是要让靠近客户的那一段尽早到项目当中。但是这种集成没有IPD做的那么集约。
另外一个令人影响深刻的是他每个阶段都定义了相对确切的时间。他S2.5的目的是为了给不同的客户有不同的定制,这个是由产品特性决定。传说这个是诺基亚做得非常漂亮的一部分 - 让大部分功能统一完成,最后阶段来完成不同客户的定制化。只闻其声,未见真人。
CS1 R&D KE:Concept Definition
PD0 R&D KE:Concept Commitment
PD1 R&D KE:Detailed SW Project Plan
PD2 R&D KE:Full Functionality Release
PD3 R&D KE:1st sales SW (PR1) Release for LV and Ramp-up
PD4 R&D KE:Ramp-up finalized and SW Maintenance planned
KE:Key Event
LV:Line valiation
Gate Purpose
Opportunity Analysis Approval to allocate secured resources for initialMarketing , Customer project and Customer engineering evaluation of the opportunity and support of pre-sales activities.
New Product Proposal Approval to allocate additional customer project and customer engineering secured resources (including dedicated CPM), such as resources for planning, specific sales support (work shops etc) and analysis of new customized product. Support-resources competence development plan approved. Approval to make proposal to customer. Draft Engagement request and PMP available including feature gap, risks, business justification and project plan.
New Product Definition/-Request Business justification reviewed. Customization requirements (customization volume) reviewed. Approval to allocate secured resources forexecution of full project. Approval to start execution and sign contract with customer. Approved Engagement request and PMP available including feature gap, risks, business justification and project plan.
DAC (设计批准证书)
Design Approval Certificate Decision to start operator certification/Type approval/IOT. Pre-production order received.
Product Quality Certificate Start of mass production of the customer’s first device. Decision to be made on how to handle follow-on devices (extend the customer project or start a maintenance project).
Request for Termination The customer has launched the last follow-on product and is dismantling the R&D-team.
Obsolete Approval to close maintenance project . Resources are released and comptetence will not anymore be availlable.
纵观整个过程,飞利浦的项目管理过程与其他家并没有什么本质的区别。但是他有一个亮点就是PES也就是项目正式开始之前有一个Resource Allocation的过程。这个过程主要用来定此项目在整个公司的项目集中的优先级,并配以相应的资源。缺乏资源往往是一个项目捉襟见肘的主要原因,这是PMBoK里说的资源日历。缺乏指定的资源,项目的时间点基本上不靠谱。毕竟项目靠资源去支持,靠人去执行。
PS: Project StartRequest to look at concept
PCA:Project Concept ApprovalProject viable - "stand alone"
PEA:Project Execution ApprovalProject prioritized - "Above-the-line"
PES:Project Execution StartProject Resource in place
S:SpecifiedWhat to do&How it will be done.
A:AvaliableCompnents ready for integration
V:ValidatedMatches specification&meets requirements
R:ReleasedTransferred to support. Freely available to cutomer.
SRA:Supply Release ApprovalStart of supply&sales
PC: Project CloseArchived&Debriefed
飞利浦项目管理的口号“Together, Doing the right project right”
1. Requirement Define 需求定义
2. Feature Development 功能开发
3. Feature Complete / system test 功能开发完毕/系统测试
4. OT 运营商
->operator 运营商
->carrier test 负载测试
->LE lab entry?MOTO内部实验室测试,类似GCF
5. TA - Technical Approve
6. SA - Shipment Approve 这个阶段类似于code freeze 不再轻易修改代码
7. MOL /MR maintain of lifetime, MOL release 正式量产版本
8. EOL end of lifetime 生命周期结束
这个帖子比较乱,仔细看看,里面有些概念还是有价值的。 谢谢分享。。。 谢谢分享 谢谢分享
谢谢分享 谢谢分享 :) 谢谢分享 文中提到的图在哪?