Metabo 发表于 2017-8-17 14:14:21


Metabo作为全球领先的专业电动工具生产商之一,总部设在德国斯图加特市约廷根的麦太保电动工具有限公司成立于1924年,历经了整整86个年头。公司旗下电动工具市场份额为德国第二,欧洲第三。公司信奉的格言是:“metabo work,don’t play!”,字面上直译是“工作,不可儿戏!”;更深层寓意指麦太保工具是真正用来干活的。这不但体现了麦太保公司的专注和专业精神,也表达了麦太保的高品质及自信源泉。正是这种精神,造就了麦太保工具世界一流的卓越品质,一直得到世界许多国家和地区专业用户的好评和欢迎。



[*]Contribute to the supplier selection and approval ( First Audit );
[*]Be responsible for the Quality related job in supplier development process;
[*]Ddfine technical requirement according to drawing, specially for measurement and parts qualification;
[*]Responsible for review, validation and approval of PPAP;
[*]Push and follow 8D & corrective actions from supplier;
[*]Push and monitor continuous improvement of supplier;


[*]Bachelor degree or above, majored in mechanical engineering or other related area;
[*]With detailed experience in mechanical machining or plastic injection plant in production or on site quality control;
[*]More than 6 years working experience (can be shorter if hold higher degree than bachelor) and at least 2 years supplier quality or IQC related experience in power tools, household appliances or other close similar area;
[*]Fluent English both in speaking and writing;
[*]Good ability for data collecting and analysis;
[*]Familiar with quality tools like MSA, SPC and strong ability for Minitab or other similar data analysis software;
[*]Self motivated and team work and good interpersonal communication skill;

Email: 请在简历上标明期望薪资


Metabo 发表于 2017-8-17 14:14:43


Jackbin 发表于 2017-8-18 15:44:07


nikolaa-chen 发表于 2017-9-7 10:29:37


carson754628 发表于 2017-9-10 17:39:26


豆仔打游戏 发表于 2017-9-24 22:15:32


selwyn 发表于 2017-11-14 11:07:58

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查看完整版本: Metabo麦太保电动工具(中国)有限公司诚聘供应商质量工程师SQE