品质协会 发表于 2017-9-2 14:04:43

Offer Project Quality Leader PQL部分的工作职责和工作内容(包括DQE)

[*]Assess the Marketing requirement, if it is enough or if any wrong, and work with team members together to optimize it. After get internal product specification, i also need to check it one by one, especially CTQ;
[*]Collect all historical similar products quality issues and any other project risk issues, especially customer complaints and 8D reports, and share it with team members and do prevention in the new projects. And prepare the Field Experience report for the new Project;
[*]Prepare the Quality Goal Definition for the new project, involve the DPMi, DPMe, OTDC, OTDS and others;
[*]Push different team hold some DFMEA meetings internally, and hold regular DFMEA meeting with project team together, ensure the potential risks are resolved or reduced;
[*]Assist the marketing to do AFMEA, to assess the potential application risk;
[*]Review the product certification test standard, make sure the product meet it;
[*]Assess the new design verification with R&D, try our best to find the potential risk, and make a detail verification plan, such as DFSS, ensure the tests are enough in order to make the product robust after launch;
[*]During ETR, PTR ,Trail run, with team members together to confirm the production;
[*]Make the PSVP (Product & System Validation Procedure), which include Function test, Safety test, EMC test, Reliability test, Mechanical test, Package test, Environment requirement (RoHS, Reach, WEEE), Certification and combine System & Software test;
[*]Arrange a meeting with team members to confirm the PSVP, and arrange the test finally with test team members;
[*]Involved in the NPI, audit and review the whole process and push continuous improvement base the schedule and risk;
[*]Follow up the test and review the test result, confirm it if has any issues;
[*]Push the supplier provide mandatory documents and review it, and also audit the supplier production;
[*]Arrange Filed test in internally (α- test)and in externally(β-test) with team members, follow up the test result;
[*]If all OK, i will prepare PSVA (Product & System Validation Approval), previous called MP form, and release it through internal system;
[*]Use SCAN & PQMA to assess the project risk during each Gate, prepare Fault tree if found high risk. Due to each Gate, i will prepare Gate report;
[*]I also need to following up it even after MP. Besides, some above actions are continuous repeatedly.

品质协会 发表于 2017-9-2 14:07:05

Offer Project Quality Leader, 当时在某世界500强企业研发中心的职位,经理级别,无管理职,负责整个项目的品质和风险管控等。从DQE升上来的,上面内容是当时的总结。


杨文彬tmac 发表于 2017-9-5 08:50:56


浙江123 发表于 2017-9-5 09:24:13


叶平 发表于 2017-9-5 11:51:35


culumao 发表于 2017-11-15 09:35:06


lenadou0225 发表于 2017-11-15 12:52:33


choixis 发表于 2017-11-15 20:11:37


Focus~ 发表于 2017-11-15 20:58:31


TBD16888 发表于 2017-11-16 03:39:33

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查看完整版本: Offer Project Quality Leader PQL部分的工作职责和工作内容(包括DQE)