1. In general, a Six Sigma Black Belt should be quantitatively oriented.通常,六西格玛黑带应定量导向。
2. With minimal guidance, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to use data to convert broad generalizations into actionable goals.
3. The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to make the business case for attempting to accomplish these goals.
4.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to develop detailed plans for achieving those goals.
5.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to measure progress towards the goals in terms meaningful to customers and leaders.
六西格玛黑带应能测量出朝着预期目标进展对顾客和公司领导的意义。 谢谢分享!:Q good! 谢谢分享。。。 :lol :lol:lol :Q 下载学习一下:lol :Q:Q :Q:Q