lenadou0225 发表于 2017-11-6 15:28:17


kinpui 发表于 2017-11-18 22:25:18


kinpui 发表于 2017-11-18 22:58:55


南山龙井 发表于 2018-9-5 15:19:31

本帖最后由 南山龙井 于 2018-9-5 15:21 编辑

第四版 2017已发布. ASQ要99刀,还是会员价,正常145刀。
The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook, Fourth Edition
Sarah E. Burke And Rachel T. Silvestrini
Hardcover, 684 pages, Published 2017
Dimensions: 7 x 10
ISBN: 978-0-87389-944-4
Item Number: H1518。

DescriptionLike the previous editions of The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook, this fourth edition is intended to provide the quality professional with a reference book aligned with the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) Body of Knowledge (BoK). The book was not written solely as a study guide to pass the certification exam, but rather as a comprehensive guide to the field of quality engineering. Therefore, most of the chapters include material that goes well beyond the CQE exam requirements.Based on the changes to the CQE BoK, as well as helpful feedback from colleagues and reviewers, this revised edition contains the following major changes:
[*]A new chapter on risk management
[*]An extensively updated glossary
[*]New and updated references
[*]A new layout
The editors included many new textbook and journal article references throughout the entire book. Within the discussion of continuous improvement methods, they added descriptions of and references to several case studies. These case studies, which include applications in the service industry, give the reader a broader context on how to apply many of the methods discussed in a real-life scenario. In particular, some of these case studies are related to quality in the service industry. Additionally, the editors updated discussions of and references to new technology important to the quality professional, such as Industry 4.0.

beyron 发表于 2018-9-5 19:50:05

Thank your for sharing.

asun1983_0 发表于 2018-9-6 11:14:20

Had downloaded. Great and thanks for sharing:Q
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