IP69防水等级: 防护等级IP69K是什么标准? DIN 40050-9
IP69K (IPX9K) 测试标准概述IP69K(IPX9K):标准标准要求能够承受EN 60529《 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)》和DIN 40050-9《道路车辆 IP防护代码(Road vehicles; degrees of protection (IP-code); protection against foreign objects; water and contact; electrical equipment)》中定义的热蒸气冲刷测试。Protection against the ingress of ... Requirements
9K Water with high-press/steam jet cleaningWater directed at a high pressure against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects
9K 高压/蒸汽喷射清洗对产品外壳任何方向加高压水应该无有害的影响
如何源于DIN 40050-9标准里的内容,中英文版本。下面是英文版标准
防尘防水IP防护等级标准:GB 4208-2008《外壳防护等级(IEC 60529)
http://www.pinzhi.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5234 9K通过,是否可以证明同时满足5、6、7等级? sdtjrysehd 感谢分享 OK 感恩感謝 感谢分享 :):P 感谢分享。 {:1_89:}