PC料应力测试方法WI: 泡溶液测试 Immersion solution test procedure SOP
做这份PC料应力测试方法,找有效的检验方法花了不少时间和精力,No.2的方法是国内最大电气公司--正泰电气实验室副主任(副部长)告诉我的,他们内部的验证方法;No.3的方法是源于中广核俊尔,两家都是行业的大公司,非常有参考价值。1. Purpose 目的
Verify the PC plastic material and the design if robust enough for the product, through the immersion solution test, check the products if has any flaw or crack or other similar issues.
2. Background 背景信息
Due to stress and design not robust enough, which easily cause the product crack, especially after contact with organic solvent, such as for PC material finished products. We need to choose a practical and economical way to verify it, immersion solution test is the best choose.
由于应力和设计不够健壮,容易造成产品开裂,特别是与有机溶剂接触后,如PC材料制成品。我们需要选择一种实用而且又经济的办法去验证,浸泡溶液测试就是最好的选择。 不错{:1_89:} {:1_97:} ;P:L {:1_89:} {:1_89:} {:1_89:} :) 谢谢分享 对于一些小公司来说不太现实,不过还是赞一个