chinape 发表于 2019-5-3 12:25:20


求 ISO8502-3 的标准。:lol其实还求详细的检验方法。

Maxwell 发表于 2019-5-4 11:49:12


chinape 发表于 2019-5-3 21:56:54


chinape 发表于 2019-5-3 22:13:18


kevinho 发表于 2019-5-4 08:04:39


Maxwell 发表于 2019-5-4 08:07:27

Surface cleaning grade shall conform to requirements of designing documents and instructions of the painting manufacturer. If there is any conflict between designing documents and product instructions, the stricter one shall apply.
a)        轻度喷射清理 (Sa1):去除疏松的锈层、疏松的氧化皮、疏松的油漆。
b)        彻底喷射清理 (Sa2):去除所有的轧屑、生锈、油漆和其他的涂层,但容许有锈迹、氧化皮和现存涂层的暗影斑痕存在的地方。
c)        非常彻底喷射清理 (Sa2.5):彻底去除所有的轧屑、生锈、油漆和其他的涂层的地方。
5.2.1 Commonly used surface cleaning grades:
   a) Mild shot blasting (Sa1): eliminate loose rust layer, loose oxide skin and loose oil paints.
   b) Thorough shot blasting (Sa2):eliminate all of the mill scale, rust, paints and other coating, while shadow blackspots of rust, oxide skin and existed coating are allowable.
   c) Completely thorough shot blasting( Sa2.5): eliminate all of the mill scale, rust and other coating.
5.2.2 表面处理结束后,应及时覆涂底漆(小于4小时),如果构件表面经检查已被氧化,应重新进行表面处理达到规定的清洁度标准.
5.2.2 After finishing surface treatment, priming painting shall be timely painted (within 4 hours). If substrate surface is inspected to be oxidized, surface treatment shall be executed again and meet specified cleanliness standard.
5.3 Surface cleaning after shot blasting: after finishing shot blasting, apply clean and dry compressed air to blow off dust, blasting particles and other contamination on the surface of members. The dust grade shall conform to cleaning standard ISO 8502-3. Detailed information, please see Table 2.
5.4 Quality Inspection result shall reach the required treatment grade by contract.
5.4.1 Inspection equipment: infrared radiation thermometer, psychrometer, surface roughness specimen G, dust cleanliness tape.

Maxwell 发表于 2019-5-4 08:12:48


andyning2003 发表于 2019-5-4 11:25:34


chinape 发表于 2019-5-4 12:09:31

Maxwell 发表于 2019-5-4 08:07
表面清理等级应符合设计文件、油漆制造商的说明书要求,如果设计文件和产品说明书有冲突,则两者之中要求严 ...


chinape 发表于 2019-5-4 12:10:04

Maxwell 发表于 2019-5-4 08:12

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查看完整版本: 喷砂后钢板表面灰尘清洁度