SGS公布2017年业绩:营收达63.49亿瑞士法郎, 净利润为6.64亿
2018年1月23日,SGS集团公布2017年全年经营业绩。2017年公司全年营收达63.49亿瑞士法郎(约424.37亿人民币),按固定汇率计算同比增长6.1%。调整后息税前利润为12.47亿瑞士法郎,同比增长4.1%。调整后营业利润达到9.69亿瑞士法郎,实现5.4%同比增长。净利润为6.64亿瑞士法郎(约44.38亿人民币),同比增长达到13.3%。[*]Total revenue increased by 5.4% (of which 4.2% organic) on a constant currency basis to CHF 6.3 billion
[*]Adjusted Operating Income grew 5.4% on a constant currency basis to CHF 969 million
[*]Profit attributable to equity holders reached CHF 621 million, an increase of 14.4% compared with CHF 543 million disclosed in 2016
[*]Transportation and Consumer & Retail achieved double-digit revenue growth of 11.6% and 10.4% respectively
[*]12 acquisitions were completed during the year
[*]Proposed dividend of CHF 75 per share
更多参考: ... ts-report.pdf?la=en
必维集团(Bureau Veritas)2017年营收46.89 亿欧元,利润7.46亿欧元
;P SGS股票应该不错,值得拥有乎!?
就在本周三,我陪同我的客户去了SGS华南区总部广州考察了来,因为我们客户是新西兰的,他们的对产品精密度材质成分非常的高,怕我们检验不出来,所以委托要一家第三方机构来检测,所以首选SGS~ :) 谢谢分享
基本上汽车零部件公司对他们的业绩都有贡献 :) 牛