VDA6x-Guidance_Coronavirus (COVID-19)_EN-DE_2020-12 英德双语
The purpose of this information to VDA-recognized Certification Bodies for VDA 6.1, VDA 6.2 and VDA 6.4 1) and all affected certified organizations and other stakeholders is to inform that VDA QMC has ap-proved a global waiver in response to the outbreak of the recent coronavirus, affecting certification activities globally.The following waiver and measures described are not limited to a certain country or region but can be applied globally if the audits and certification activities are af-fected as described.
ganxiefenxiang ! 谢谢楼主的分享
谢谢楼主的分享 {:1_101:} :loveliness: :)
谢谢楼主的分享 {:1_180:} {:1_101:} {:1_89:} :)