8D解决问题的办法最先是福特公司最先提出的,那么8D是代表了那8个英文单词?请赐教8D, Eight Disciplines, 这里的D是英文字母 Discipline,翻译过来类似 准则,也就是8个准则,D1意味着准则1. {:1_180:} Jasmin 发表于 2021-8-13 18:34
8D, Eight Disciplines, 这里的D是英文字母 Discipline,翻译过来类似 准则,也就是8个准则,D1意味着准则1 ...
{:1_180:} 下面是网上抄的:
D0: Plan
D1: Use a team
D2: Define and describe the problem
D3: Develop interim containment plan; implement and verify interim actions
D4: Determine, identify, and verify root causes and escape points
D5: Choose and verify permanent corrections (PCs) for problem/nonconformity
D6: Implement and validate corrective actions
D7: Take preventive measures
D8: Congratulate your team 以为是5S吗?5W1H吗?{:1_180:} {:1_89:} {:1_180:} 8个步骤 {:1_180:}