ZIP 发表于 2022-8-15 18:03:40

ISO 3421:2022 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production

ISO 3421:2022《Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment — Offshore conductor design, setting depth and installation》

2022年6月6日,由中国海油牵头起草的ISO 3421:2022《Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment — Offshore conductor design, setting depth and installation》(石油与天然气工业—海洋隔水导管下入深度与安装设计》) 《正式出版发布。这是中国海洋钻井技术领域以“模型、算法”为核心的首部ISO国际标准,也是继2017年中国海油牵头发布中国石油装备领域首部国际标准模块钻机国际标准(ISO 18647)之后的石油行业领域中海油第二部、全国第六部国际标准。

This document specifies the requirements and recommendations for the design, setting depth and installation of conductors for the offshore petroleum and natural gas industries. This document specifically addresses:

—    design of the conductor, i.e. determination of the diameter, wall thickness, and steel grade;

—    determination of the setting depth for three installation methods, namely, driving, drilling and cementing, and jetting;

—    requirements for the three installation methods, including applicability, procedures, and documentation and quality control.

This document is applicable to:

—    platform conductors: installed through a guide hole in the platform drill floor and then through guides attached to the jacket at intervals through the water column to support the conductor, withstand actions, and prevent excessive displacements;

—    jack-up supported conductors: a temporary conductor used only during drilling operations, which is installed by a jack-up drilling rig. In some cases, the conductor is tensioned by tensioners attached to the drilling rig;

—    free-standing conductors: a self-supporting conductor in cantilever mode installed in shallow water, typically water depths of about 10 m to 20 m. It provides sole support for the well and sometimes supports a small access deck and boat landing;

—    subsea wellhead conductors: a fully submerged conductor extending only a few metres above the sea floor to which a BOP and drilling riser are attached. The drilling riser is connected to a floating drilling rig. The BOP, riser and rig are subject to wave and current actions while the riser can also be subject to VIV.

This document is not applicable to the design of drilling risers.

ISO 3421:2022 标准是中海油研究总院有限责任公司联合中国石油大学(北京)等研发团队在海洋钻井隔水导管、深水浅层钻井领域取得重大技术突破的基础上形成的,是科研成果走向标准化、国际化的成功实践。隔水导管是海洋钻井的“咽喉要道”,是所有海洋油气井建井的必备结构物。ISO 3421旨在为全球海洋石油工业提供海洋隔水导管入泥深度精确预测、稳定性校核与施工控制等技术,适用于浅水和深水油气勘探开发领域。该国际标准推荐的设计方法和技术已在渤海、东海、南海西部和南海东部百余个油气田现场应用与验证,取得显著的经济社会效益,并推广应用至巴西、西非、墨西哥湾的海外区块。


据悉,2017年9月,研究总院在日本东京ISO TC67 年会上提出ISO 3421 标准起草新提案,2018年4月通过ISO投票正式立项,以中国海油代表中国牵头成立全球起草工作组。自立项获批4年多以来,起草工作组通过在美国、线上视频等方式组织召开多次工作组会议,讨论相关技术条款。最终,该标准以100%赞成率通过投票,顺利出版发布。

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