UL38.3,UL1642 & ISO62133 Test content comparison
UL38.3,UL1642 & ISO62133 Test content comparisonUN38.3 Lithium-ion Battery Testing
Vibrationand Shock Testing Requirements
2 UN38.3 Lithium-ion Battery Testing Topics
Keypoints of presentationUN 38.3 test overviewUN 38.3 vibration andshock test detailsMild and full hybrid electrical vehicle batterysystemsVibration and shock issuesVibration test analysis andrecommended changeShock test analysis and recommendedchangeSummaryBack-upTransportation scenariosCalculationsVibrationIsolationAviation shock specification
3 UN38.3 Lithium-ion Battery Testing Requirements KEY POINTS
Lithium-ionbatteries designed for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are large andcomplicated structures.Lithium-ion HEV batteries are proven to bedurable and safe for vehicle usage by extensive testing.Applying theexisting vibration and shock requirements to lithium-ion batteriesdesigned for use in HEVs will increase the cost of HEVs and delay theadoption of HEVs in the market.Existing vibration and shockrequirements are not valid for heavier lithium-ion HEV batteries.Theexisting requirements can be modified for large batteries and stillassure safe transportation.
4 UNT1-T8 Tests UN 38.3 Manual Of Tests
T1– Altitude SimulationT2 – Thermal ShockT3 – VibrationT4 –Physical ShockT5 – External Short CircuitT6 – ImpactT7 –OverchargeT8 – Forced DischargeTests were designed primarily forcell phone and laptop cells and batteries.Tests simulate shippingenvironment and conditions, not the usage environmentAll tests mustbe passedTests are without packaging
5 UN38.3 Manual Of Tests T3 Vibration Testing Requirements
16batteries8 Fully charged4 fresh and 4 with 50 cycles usage8Discharged3 hrs in each of 3 mutually perpendicular mountingpositionsLogarithmic sweep from 7Hz to 200Hz to 7Hz in 15 minutes7Hzto 18Hz at 1gn; amplitude decreasing18Hz to ~50Hz with 0.8mmamplitude; acceleration increasing to 8gn~50Hz to 200Hz at 8gn;amplitude decreasing200Hz to ~50Hz at 8gn; amplitude increasing~50Hzto 18Hz with 0.8mm amplitude: acceleration decreasing to 1gn18Hz to7Hz at 1gn; amplitude increasing
6 UN38.3 Manual Of Tests Current T4 Shock Testing Requirements
16batteries8 Fully charged4 fresh and 4 with 50 cycles usage8Discharged18 shocks: 3 in negative and positive direction of 3mutually perpendicular mounting positionsShock parametersNormalbatteries: Half-sine, 150 gn peak acceleration, seconds pulsedurationLarge batteries: Half-sine, 50 gn peak acceleration, secondspulse durationNote: Large batteries have more than 500 grams ELC
7 UN38.3 Manual Of Tests Pass Criteria for Both Tests
Nomass lossNo leakage or ventingNo disassemblyNo ruptureNo fireOCVafter test > 90% of OCV before test
8 HEVLithium-Ion Batteries Mild and Full Hybrid Applications
MildHybrid ApplicationsOne electric motorVehicle FunctionsAssist duringlaunch and accelerationStop/start engine when vehicle stopsRegenbraking120 volts (32-36 cells)Less than 500Wh14 kg batteryassembly400 x 250 x 150 mm16 x 10 x 6 inches
9 HEVLithium-Ion Batteries Mild and Full Hybrid Applications
Multipleelectric motorsVehicle FunctionAllows electric onlypropulsionStop/start engine when vehicle stopsRegen brakingvolts(approx cells)Less than 2000Wh45-50 kg battery1000 x 350 x 300mm40 x14 x 12 inches
10 HEVLithium-Ion Batteries Typical Usage, Vibration and Shock OEM VehicleRequirements
UsefulLife: 15 years/ 150,000 milesVibration Test RequirementsRandomvibration1.28 grms10 to 2000 Hz24 hours/axisShock TestRequirementsMild HEV Battery Assembly132 shocks/axis at 25g’s,half-sine, 15 ms6 shocks/axis at 100g’s, 11 msMild and Full HEVPackage10 shocks/axis at 50g’s, 6 ms
11 HEVLithium-ion Battery Transportation
Prototypeor Development StageAir and vehicle modes utilized but mostlyvehicleDomestic and internationalMultiple shipments possible for thesame battery (some in the vehicle)Batteries have not passed UN 38.3testingCompetent Authority will be used to allowshippingProductionVessel and vehicle modes normally5 or lessshipments of battery before vehicle installationStarts in 2010Mustpass UN 38.3 tests or obtain special approval
12 UN38.3 Vibration and Shock Testing Issues and Impact
PerDelphi Analysis and Experience:Current battery pack designs for mildand full hybrid applications are expected to fail the T4 vibrationtestThey may also fail the T3 shock testRedesigning to pass UNvibration and shock tests would add development time, mass and costto HEV battery systems :That have already met requirements for 15years of vehicle usageThat will be shipped only a limited number oftimes and rarely be airImpactHEVs will be more costly to the consumerand possibly delayedAdoption of HEVs will be delayed along with theirecological and energy benefits
13 UN38.3 Vibration and Shock Testing Test Analysis
Mildhybrid lithium-ion battery packs are about 14kg gross.Maximum T3vibration force will be ~27,000N.T4 shock will be ~41,000N.Fullhybrid lithium-ion packs are about 48kg gross. It is not a largebattery by current definitions.Maximum T3 vibration force will be~94,000N.T4 shock will be ~141,000N.
14 VibrationTest Analysis
HEVbattery systems are assemblies of electronic controllers, sensors,air flow ducts, cabling, cell mounting fixtures, cells, trays, coversand attachment brackets.They are not “solid” like cells andlaptop batteries.They will have several resonant frequencies under200 Hz.Estimated force exerted on mild HEV batteries due to dampingand resonance is approximately 27,000N.Full HEV battery force isapproximately 94,000N.With the understanding that vibration testparameters are based on air transportation of small lithium cells andbatteries, these parameters do not realistically apply to largerbatteries.
15 VibrationTest Analysis
UNT3 testing of HEV batteries at these frequencies and 8gn isunreasonable because:Vibration of the transportation mode is reduceddue to the mass of the pack.Test requires vibration to be“faithfully” transmitted to device, yet vibration would notdirectly pass from the transportation mode to the battery due to theisolation provided by the skid or container and the package.Forcelevels can not be transmitted by the transportation modeForcerequired to vibrate a large notebook computer battery (0.5 kg) is~1000N.27,000N and 94,000N are very substantial forces2750kg wreckingball fallingOr stopping a 550kg wrecking ball after falling 1 second(35kph/22mph) in 1 meter9500kg wrecking ball fallingOr stopping a550kg wrecking ball after falling 1 second in 0.28 meters
16 VibrationTest Analysis and Recommendation
T3Test Recommendation For batteries > 12kg:Reduce force level from8gn to 2gnBasis for recommendationForce levels are more realistic andexceed current exerted forces.Force required to vibrate cell andnotebook batteries at 8gn~1000N1000N applied to vibrate a mild hybridbattery is ~0.33g.2gn is equivalent to 5880N for a 12kg pack9 hoursof swept-sine vibration testing at 2gn is still a severe test for alarge battery.
17 ShockTest Analysis and Recommendation
T4shock forces on mild HEV batteries would exceed 40,000N.Full HEVbattery forces would be >140,000N.Again, with the understandingthat these shock values are based on air transportation of smalllithium cells and batteries, these parameters do not realisticallyapply to larger batteries.UN T4 testing of HEV battery packs at theseforces is unreasonable because:These force levels could not betransmitted by the transportation modeForce required to shock cellphone and notebook batteries at 150gn~1500N1500N applied to shock amild HEV battery (~500Wh, 12Kg) is ~6.5gn.There is no source for theadditional 38,000N.Aviation specifications (RTCA) test for CrashShock at 20g maximum.Recommend limiting acceleration to 50gn for allbatteries > 12 kgFar exceeds realistic and expected levels50gnalready is used in UN 38.3 for large batteries.
18 SummaryMildand full HEVs will have lithium-ion batteries that will have to betested according to UN 38.3 Manual of TestsUN 38.3 T3 vibration andT4 shock tests are unrealistic when applied to large batteriesIfthese tests remain as currently written, conversion of the worldvehicle fleet to hybrids will be delayedProposed T3 modification isto reduce g level from 8 to 2 for batteries 12kg or heavierProposedT4 modification is to reduce g level from 150 to 50 for batteries12kg or heavier
19 Back-up Material Follows
20 Back-up HEV Lithium-ion Battery Transportation Scenarios
Prototypeor Development StageBattery transported from manufacturer to airportby vehicleAirport to airportAirport to distribution center byvehicleDistribution center to HEV system integrator by vehicleHEVsystem from system integrator to OEM engineering by vehicleHEV (car)from OEM engineering to test site by vehicleHEV (car) back from testsite to OEM engineering by vehicleHEV system from OEM engineeringback to integrator by vehicleProduction StageBattery transported frommanufacturer to marine port by vehicleMarine port to marineportMarine port to distribution center by vehicleHEV system fromsystem integrator to OEM assembly plant by vehicle
21 ResonantVibration Force at 8gn
Back-upCalculationsResonant Vibration Force at 8gnForce = x/[ξ, the damping constant]Damping constant is set at.04, empirical value based on testing similar designsMild HybridForce = 14x8x9.8/(.04) N or ~27,000N.Full Hybrid Force =48x8x9.8/(.04) N or ~94,000N.Shock Force at 150gnForce = x x Dynamic Amplification FactorDynamic AmplificationFactor is set at 2Mild Hybrid Force = 14x150x9.8x2N or ~41,000N.FullHybrid Force = 48x150x9.8x2N or ~141,000N.
22 Back-upVibration Isolation
23 Stoppinga wrecking ball examples:
Back-upCalculationsStopping a wrecking ball examples:550kg wrecking ballafter falling 1sec in 1 meterForceavg x distance = mass xvelocity2/2Forceavg = (mass x velocity2 ) / (2 x distance)Forceavg =550kg x (9.8m/s)2 / (2 x 1m)Forceavg = kgm/s2Forceavg = 26411N550kgwrecking ball after falling 1sec in 0.28 metersForceavg = 550kg x(9.8m/s)2 / (2 x 0.28m)Forceavg = kgm/s2Forceavg = 94325N
24 Back-up CalculationsVibration force required for a large notebookcomputerForce = x /[ξ, the dampingconstant]Damping constant is set at .04Force = .5 x 8 x 9.8/(0.04) ~1000N.Acceleration resulting from 1000N vibration force on a 12kgbatteryAcceleration = Force x [ξ, the dampingconstant]/Acceleration = 1000N x [.04]/12kgAcceleration =3.33m/sec2 or ~.33gn2gn force applied to a 12kg packForce = 12 x 2 x9.8/(.04)Force = 5880N
25 Forcerequired to shock 0.5kg notebook batteries at 150gn
Back-upCalculationsForce required to shock 0.5kg notebook batteries at150gnForce = x x Dynamic AmplificationFactorForce = 0.5 x 150 x 9.8 x 2NForce ~ 1500NAcceleration resultingfrom 1500N shock force on a 12kg batteryAcceleration = Force / / Dynamic Amplification FactorAcceleration = 1500N / 12kg /2Acceleration = 62.5m/sec2 or ~6.5gn
26 Back-upAviation Equipment Shock Requirements
“RTCA,Inc. is a private, not-for-profit corporation that developsconsensus-based recommendations regarding communications, navigation,surveillance, and air traffic management (CNS/ATM) system issues.RTCA functions as a Federal Advisory Committee. Its recommendationsare used by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as the basisfor policy, program, and regulatory decisions and by the privatesector as the basis for development, investment and other businessdecisions.”Source: rtca.org 謝謝分享 谢谢分享 谢谢分享 谢谢分享{:1_180:}{:1_180:}{:1_180:} 謝謝分享 謝謝分享 学习学习 {:1_180:} {:1_180:}