ISO 22163:2023最新检查表 Assessment sheet IRIS rev. 04
4.1.1Understanding the organization and its context - Supplemental planning the strategic direction of an organization,business planning
shall be considered to ensure sustainableproduct and service quality.PLUS: This business planning should
consider: a) change of external
trends and interested parties' needs
(1);PLUS: The innovation
management process for new
products, services and
technologies should include:
a) the identification of
changes in the organization’s
business environment; b)
planning of innovations; c)
prioritization of innovations
based on the balance
between their urgency, the
availability of resources, and
the organization's strategy; d)
involvement of interested
parties (2). The business
planning includes the
strategic long term
perspectiveNOTE: the business planning is related
to the purpose of the organization (1)
e.g. economic policies, environmental
protection, social or cultural issues,
information security needs for products
and services (2) e.g. external providers
NOTE 2 Research and development
activities can be considered as part of
innovation activities.PoorYYTR
Assessment sheet for IRIS certification®audits based on ISO 22163:2023
Assessment sheet IRIS rev. 04
1Data Review
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