polarland 发表于 2024-3-21 22:32:03

Communication to Clients regarding Use of Versions of IATF Documents
Good day ,
We're reaching out to inform you of a new requirement during IATF 16949 audits to help you be prepared at your next audit activity.
Our accreditation body, the International Automotive Oversight Bureau (IAOB), has become aware of Certification Bodies and their clients purchasing and using unauthorized versions of IATF Documents including AIAG Core Tool Documents (APQP, PPAP, MSA, SPC), AIAG & VDA FMEA Handbook, IATF 16949 and IATF Rules for Achieving and Maintaining Certification from unauthorized sources.This is a violation of copyright laws in multiple countries around the world.
As always, the IAOB wants to ensure that all CBs and their clients do not violate copyright of the copyrighted materials and any IATF or AIAG documents or infringe on trademarks of the IATF, AIAG, or other National Association.
The IAOB is requesting that all Certification Body auditors verify the documents being used by the client comply with the applicable copyright notices.This request applies to the next and subsequent audits.
If Certification Body auditors determine a lack of client compliance with the copyright notice, a minor nonconformance shall be written against the clause 4.2b of ISO 9001:2015.
We wanted to provide you with some examples of this infringement:
• An auditor purchases a copy of IATF 16949 and makes a scanned copy of it to take with them on audits.
• A representative within a Certification Body purchases an electronic copy of the IATF Rules for Achieving and Maintaining Certification and saves it on a shared drive so the whole CB can access it.
• A Quality Manager purchases one physical copy of each AIAG Core Tool Documents (APQP, PPAP, MSA, SPC) and makes a paper copy of each for the Plant Manager.
• A company purchase AIAG & VDA FMEA Handbook from an unauthorized seller.
Your auditor will be asking to look at these documents titles, publication ISBN, Logos, and even official invoices from when the documents were purchased to verify they are authorized versions of IATF Documents.
日安 ,
我們通知您關於 IATF 16949 稽核的一項新要求,以幫助您為下一次的稽核活動做好準備。
IATF的認可機構,國際汽車監督局 (IAOB) 獲悉,有驗證機構及其客戶購買和使用未經授權的 IATF 標準,包括 : 從未經授權的途徑獲取AIAG 核心工具標準書(APQP、PPAP、MSA、SPC)、AIAG 和 VDA FMEA 手冊, IATF 16949 和IATF獲得認可與維持規則。這違反了全球多個國家的版權法。
一如既往,IAOB 希望確保所有驗證機構及其客戶不侵犯版權和任何 IATF 或 AIAG 標準的版權,以及IATF、AIAG 或其他國家協會的商標。
IAOB 要求,所有驗證機構稽核員驗證客戶使用的標準是否符合適用的版權聲明。此項要求適用於下一次和後續的稽核。
如果驗證機構稽核員確定客戶不遵守版權聲明,則應根據 ISO 9001:2015 的第 4.2b 條,開立次要不符合項 (次要缺失)。
-稽核員購買了 IATF 16949 標準,並製作了一份掃描副本在稽核時隨身攜帶。
-品質經理購買AIAG 核心工具 (APQP、PPAP、MSA、SPC) 各一本,並製作一份副本給廠務經理。
- 向未經授權的賣家處購買 AIAG 和 VDA FMEA 手冊。
稽核員將要求查看這些標準書的標題、出版物 ISBN、標誌,甚至是購買當時的正式發票,以驗證它們是 IATF 的授權版本。

灯高山 发表于 2024-3-22 08:13:01


玉米 发表于 2024-3-22 08:19:03

polarland 发表于 2024-3-21 22:32
Communication to Clients regarding Use of Versions of IATF Documents
Good day ,
We're reaching out t ...

吓死了,通知函都来了,还要验证发票:lol 妥妥的逼着花钱买买

一米林夕 发表于 2024-3-25 11:30:04


flyerchang 发表于 2024-3-25 16:57:40


cy13917182827 发表于 2024-3-26 08:27:41


koolwang 发表于 2024-3-26 18:27:02


strong_909 发表于 2024-3-28 08:06:58


zy-pinzhi 发表于 2024-4-1 14:46:35


esea0023 发表于 2024-4-2 15:29:22

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查看完整版本: APQP第三版&CP第一版发布了,你家单位会买正版书籍吗?