Intertek(ITS) SQP认证审核清单
公司刚做了Intertek(ITS)SQP认证,从审核老师手里拿到的审核清单,共24页,WORD可编辑版,按这个SQP通过!FUNDAMENTAL:The company's senior management shall demonstrate they are fully committed to the implementation of the requirements of the Supplier Qualification Program. This shall include provision of adequate resources,effective communication,systems of review and actions taken to identify and effect opportunities for improvement.
基础:工厂的高级管理层应当明确表明工厂会全力执行供应商资格认证程序的要求。这应包括提供充足的资源、有效的沟通、一套审查并采取行动的系统,以达到改善的目的。 感谢分享 感谢分享 感谢分享
感谢分享! 这个多少分通过的,:lol {:1_180:} {:1_180:} {:1_89:} 谢谢分享 谢谢分享