IPZ 发表于 2024-7-24 19:45:47

ISO 55012:2024 Asset management - Guidance on people involvement and competence

近日,由我国提出并主导,联合美、加、葡、英、法等多国专家共同制定的国际标准ISO 55012:2024《Asset management - Guidance on people involvement and competence》《资产管理 人员参与和能力指南》由ISO正式发布。

人员参与和能力是资产密集型组织依据ISO 55001建立、实施、保持和持续改进资产管理体系的重要保障。ISO 55001明确提出:组织应采取措施使资产管理人员获得必要的能力,并确保人员在适当的教育、培训或经验的基础上能够参与资产管理活动。

ISO 55012承接ISO 55001对人员参与和能力发展的要求,为识别、发展和评估资产管理岗位与职能的人员(包括外包资源)的有效参与提供框架。ISO 55012的实施能够为增强人员运用知识和技能来实现预期组织资产管理目标的能力提供指导,并将为资产管理人员能力建设的科学性、系统化、体系化提供保障。


在推进ISO 55012标准实施应用方面,全国资产管理标准化技术委员会将为ISO 55012与我国《资产管理师》国家职业技能标准的技术融合与标准互认提供助力,为我国资产管理技术和服务依托标准“走出去”提供支持。

This document gives guidance on enhancing the involvement and commitment of personnel within an asset management system to improve the overall efficiency of translation of asset management objectives into results. This involves an evaluation of human and cultural factors that influence:

a) the effectiveness of adoption of operational requirements and policies established by the organization’s strategic asset management plan (SAMP) across the organization;

b) the degree of involvement that personnel have in the development and execution of asset management plans and strategies;

c)the level of knowledge and awareness that personnel have of required activities established by asset management plans and strategies;

d) the impact of competence on the ability of personnel to execute these activities;

e) the process by which establishing development plans drives continual improvements in asset management system efficiency;

f) the recognition of mutual dependencies in teams that contribute to organizational performance.

These elements apply to the leadership accountable for the overall functioning of the asset management system, as well as to personnel responsible for the development and execution of plans, strategies and activities.

This document is applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size. Additionally, while asset management is not necessarily conducted within the construct of an asset management system, the principles within the guidance set out in this document can be more broadly applied regardless of the nature of asset management within an organization.

TBD16888 发表于 2024-7-25 05:26:15


neil0404 发表于 2024-7-25 06:42:49


golfgti 发表于 2024-7-25 08:02:36


efa1188 发表于 2024-7-25 08:11:02


njkiller 发表于 2024-7-25 08:40:10


2017yuan 发表于 2024-7-25 08:40:15


pdcicbt 发表于 2024-7-25 08:40:53


LQQ 发表于 2024-7-25 09:00:51


Daniel.C 发表于 2024-7-25 09:17:37

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