Analyze Factorial Design - Terms (general full factorial design)
main topic
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Factorial Design > Terms

Specifies which terms to include in the model.

Dialog box items

Include terms in the model up through order: Use this drop-down list to quickly set up a model with a specified order. Choose the maximum order for terms to include in the model. For example, if you choose 2,

·    all main effects and estimable two-way interactions display in Selected Terms, and

·    Minitab removes all estimable three-way and higher-order interactions from Selected Terms and displays them in Available Terms.

Available Terms: Shows all terms that are estimable but not included in the fitted model.

Selected Terms: Minitab includes terms shown in Selected Terms when it fits the model.

Cross: Use this to cross two or more terms that you select in Available Terms. Suppose you select A, B, C. When you click Cross, Minitab adds A*B*C. This option is active only when the cross of the terms that you select produces an estimable term.

Default: Populates the model with all main effects and interaction effects that are estimable.

Include blocks in the model: Check to include blocks in the model. Minitab only enables this checkbox if you specified more than one block in the Create or Define Factorial Design dialog box.