Analyze Factorial Design - Terms (Plackett-Burman design)
main topic
    see also      

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Factorial Design > Terms

Allows you to specify which terms to include in the model.

Dialog box items

Include terms in the model up through order: This option is not available. The purpose of a Plackett-Burman design is to fit main effects.

Available Terms: Shows the main effects terms.

Selected Terms: When Minitab fits the model, it includes terms shown in Selected Terms.

Include blocks in the model: Check to include blocks in the model. Minitab enables this checkbox if multiple values are in the block column for the design.

Include center points in the model: Check to include center points as a term in the model. Minitab enables this checkbox if zeroes are in the CenterPt column of the worksheet.