Analyze Variability - Options
main topic
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability > Options

Use to:

·    Choose between least squares regression and maximum likelihood regression

·    Specify the confidence level and type of confidence interval

·    Display the least squares means for main effects and interaction effects in the Session window

Dialog box items

Estimation method

Least squares regression: Choose to analyze the standard deviations using least squares regression.

Maximum likelihood: Choose to analyze the standard deviations using maximum likelihood estimation.

Confidence level for all intervals: Enter the confidence level. The default is 95.

Type of confidence interval: Choose the type of confidence interval: two-sided (default), lower bound, or upper bound.

Means table: Use this drop-down list to quickly display means for groups of terms. If an expected term does not appear in either list, add it to the model. You can choose one of these options:


Main effects

Two-way interactions

All terms in the model

Specified terms

For more information on these options, see Displaying Means for Model Terms.

If you choose Display means for specific terms, use the arrow keys to move terms from one list to the other. Select one or more terms in one of the lists, then click an arrow key. The double arrows move all the terms in one list to the other. You can also move a term by double-clicking it.

Available Terms: Shows all terms that you can display means for.

Selected Terms: Minitab displays the means for the terms shown in Selected Terms when it fits the model.