Analyze Variability
     how to    example     data     see also 

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability

You can analyze the variability in your 2-level factorial design by examining the standard deviations of repeat or replicate responses stored using Pre-process Responses.

You can also generate effects plots - normal, half normal, and Pareto - to help you determine which factors are important and diagnostic plots to help assess model adequacy.

Minitab stores the last model that you fit for each response variable. You can use the stored model to quickly generate predictions, factorial plots, contour plots, surface plots, overlaid contour plots, and optimized responses.

See Stored Model Overview for a discussion about how to use stored models.

Dialog box items

Response (standard deviations): Enter a column that contains the stored standard deviations of your repeat or replicate response.

Number of repeats or replicates: Minitab automatically enters the column of counts that corresponds to the column of standard deviations.






