Example of analyzing variability
main topic
    interpreting results     session command     see also

In the Example of preprocessing responses, you performed a 2-level factorial experiment with 8 repeats to investigate how three variables-reaction time, reaction temperature, and type of catalyst-affect the variability of the yield. Use Analyze Variability to determine which terms (main effects and two-way interactions) are significantly related to differences in the variability of yield. Before you can analyze the variability of this data, you must first do the Example of preprocessing responses to store the standard deviations and number of replicates of the response.

The analysis for this example is performed in two steps. In the first step, you use least squares regression to fit and reduce the model. Once you identify an appropriate reduced model, in step two, analyze the reduced model using maximum likelihood estimation to obtain the final model coefficients.

Step 1: Analyze the design using least squares regression estimation

1    Complete the Example of preprocessing responses.

2    Choose Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability.

3    In Response (standard deviations), enter StdYield.

4    Click Terms.

5    In Include terms from the model up through order, choose 2 from the drop-down list. Click OK.

6    Click Graphs. Under Effects Plots, check Pareto, Normal, and Half Normal. Click OK in each dialog box.

Session window output


Analysis of Variability: StdYield versus Time, Temp, Catalyst





Estimation  Least squares



Analysis of Variance for Ln(StdYield)


Source                DF   Adj SS   Adj MS  F-Value  P-Value

Model                  6  138.766   23.128   675.92    0.029

  Linear               3  136.942   45.647  1334.07    0.020

    Time               1  100.490  100.490  2936.88    0.012

    Temp               1   31.974   31.974   934.45    0.021

    Catalyst           1    4.478    4.478   130.88    0.056

  2-Way Interactions   3    1.824    0.608    17.77    0.172

    Time*Temp          1    0.979    0.979    28.62    0.118

    Time*Catalyst      1    0.839    0.839    24.51    0.127

    Temp*Catalyst      1    0.006    0.006     0.18    0.746

Error                  1    0.034    0.034

Total                  7  138.800



Model Summary for Ln(StdYield)


       S    R-sq  R-sq(adj)  R-sq(pred)

0.184977  99.98%     99.83%      98.42%



Coded Coefficients for Ln(StdYield)



Term            Effect  Effect     Coef  SE Coef  T-Value  P-Value   VIF

Constant                         0.7020   0.0188    37.35    0.017

Time            2.0371  7.6682   1.0185   0.0188    54.19    0.012  1.00

Temp            1.1491  3.1552   0.5745   0.0188    30.57    0.021  1.00

Catalyst        0.4300  1.5373   0.2150   0.0188    11.44    0.056  1.00

Time*Temp      -0.2011  0.8178  -0.1005   0.0188    -5.35    0.118  1.00

Time*Catalyst  -0.1861  0.8302  -0.0931   0.0188    -4.95    0.127  1.00

Temp*Catalyst   0.0159  1.0160   0.0079   0.0188     0.42    0.746  1.00



Regression Equation in Uncoded Units


Ln(StdYield) = -7.339 + 0.11482 Time + 0.03237 Temp + 0.377 Catalyst - 0.000268 Time*Temp

               - 0.00620 Time*Catalyst + 0.000318 Temp*Catalyst



Alias Structure


Factor  Name


A       Time

B       Temp

C       Catalyst












Graph window output

Interpreting the Results

In the first step of the analysis, you used least squares regression to fit the model. One approach to analyzing the variability of data is to use least squares regression to determine which factors are significantly related to the response. Once a reduced model is identified, use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to determine the final model coefficients. If you have terms that are borderline significant, you may want to examine both the regression and MLE results to determine which factors to retain in your model. See [7] for more information. In many cases, the differences between the least squares and MLE results are minor.

For this example, the analysis of variance table provides a summary of the main effects and interactions. Look at the p-values to determine whether or not you have any significant effects.

The results indicate that time and temperature are significant at the 0.05 a-level. The variable catalyst is almost significant at the 0.05 a-level. The interactions are not significant at the 0.05 a-level. As you reduce the model, the p-values change.

The normal, half normal, and Pareto plots of the effects allow you to visually identify the important effects and compare the relative magnitude of the various effects. The plots confirm that time and temperature are significant at the 0.05 a-level.

At this point, you should reduce the model using the least squares regression method to determine which terms to retain in the model. For the purposes of this example, the model with time, temperature, catalyst, time by temperature, and time by catalyst is used as the reduced model. This model is just one of the possible reduced models you could have chosen. In practice, you may need to fit several models to find the appropriate model. Stepwise variable selection can help you to look at several models.


If the data in this example were replicates, not repeats, the results and output would be exactly the same as the output shown above. Despite this, the results may have different practical implications depending on the sources of variability that you analyzed.

If the variability of responses differs significantly across factor settings, consider using weighted regression in Analyze Factorial Design, when you analyze the location effects of your response.

Step 2: Analyze the reduced model using maximum likelihood estimation

1    Choose Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability.

2    In Response (standard deviations), enter StdYield.

3    Click Options.

4    Under Estimation method, choose Maximum likelihood. Click OK.

5    Click Terms.

6    Move BC from Selected Terms to Available Terms. Click OK.

7    Click Graphs.

8    Under Effects Plots, uncheck Pareto, Normal, and Half Normal.

9    Under Residual Plots, click Three in one.

10    Click OK in each dialog box.

Session window output


Analysis of Variability: StdYield versus Time, Temp, Catalyst





Estimation  Maximum likelihood



Coded Coefficients for Ln(StdYield)



Term            Effect  Effect     Coef  SE Coef  Z-Value  P-Value   VIF

Constant                         0.7024   0.0945     7.43    0.000

Time            2.0365  7.6636   1.0182   0.0945    10.78    0.000  1.00

Temp            1.1491  3.1552   0.5745   0.0945     6.08    0.000  1.00

Catalyst        0.4300  1.5373   0.2150   0.0945     2.28    0.023  1.00

Time*Temp      -0.2011  0.8178  -0.1005   0.0945    -1.06    0.287  1.00

Time*Catalyst  -0.1861  0.8302  -0.0931   0.0945    -0.98    0.325  1.00



Regression Equation in Uncoded Units


Ln(StdYield) = -7.34 + 0.1148 Time + 0.03237 Temp + 0.432 Catalyst - 0.000268 Time*Temp

               - 0.00620 Time*Catalyst



Alias Structure


Factor  Name


A       Time

B       Temp

C       Catalyst











Graph window output

Interpreting the Results

After choosing an appropriate reduced model using least squares estimation, you refit the model using maximum likelihood estimation to obtain the most precise effects and coefficients. The results indicate that:

·    Time has the strongest effect at 2.0365. The ratio effect indicates that the standard deviation increases by a factor of 7.6636 when time is changed from the low to high level.

·    Temperature has the next strongest effect at 1.1491. The ratio effect indicates that the standard deviation increases by a factor of 3.1552 when temperature is changed from the low to high level.

·    Catalyst has the smallest main effect at .4300. The ratio effect indicates that the standard deviation increases by a factor of 1.5373 when catalyst is changed from the low to high level.

The interactions are not statistically significant at the 0.05 a-level. The interactions remain in the model because the p-values from the least squares estimation are more reliable.

The residuals plots show no evidence of patterns or outliers.


If the data in this example were replicates, not repeats, the results and output would be exactly the same as the output shown above. Despite this, the results may have different practical implications depending on the sources of variability that you analyzed.

If you plan on analyzing the means of the data in Analyze Factorial Design, you may want to consider storing weights to adjust for the differences in variance among factor levels.