Preprocess Responses for Analyze Variability
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Preprocess Responses for Analyze Variability

To preprocess your responses, first either:

·    Create and store a 2-level factorial design with repeats or replicates, using Create Factorial Design

·    Create a 2-level factorial design from data that you already have in the worksheet, using Define Custom Factorial Design

Preprocess responses with your 2-level factorial design to:

·     Calculate and store the standard deviations of repeat or replicate measurements

·     Calculate and store the means of repeat measurements

·     Define your precalculated standard deviations

Dialog box items

Standard deviation to use for analysis:

Compute for repeat responses across rows : Choose to compute standard deviations from repeat measurements.  

Repeat responses across rows of: Enter the columns containing the repeat measurements.

Store standard deviations in: Enter a storage column for the standard deviations.

Store number of repeats in: Enter a storage column for the number of repeat responses for each run.

Store means (optional) in: Enter a storage column for the means of repeat responses.

Compute for replicates in each response column: Choose to compute standard deviations from replicate measurements.

Replicates in individual response columns: Enter the columns containing the replicate measurements.

Response: Enter a column containing the replicates, one for each response. You can calculate standard deviations for up to 10 responses at once. Enter each response column in a separate row.

Store Std Dev in: Enter a storage column for the standard deviations for each response.

Store Counts in: Enter a storage column for the number of replicates for each response.

Adjust for covariates: Enter columns containing covariates for which to adjust in the calculation of the standard deviations for replicates.

Standard deviations already in the worksheet: Choose to enter precalculated standard deviations already in the worksheet.

Precalculated standard deviations in worksheet: Enter the columns containing the precalculated measurements.

Use Std Devs in: Enter a column containing the precalculated standard deviations for each response.

Use Counts: Enter a constant or column containing the number of repeats or replicates for each response.