To preprocess responses for analyze variability
main topic
see also 

1    Choose Stats > DOE > Preprocess Responses for Analyze Variability.

2    Do one of the following:

·     If your response measurements are repeats:

1    Choose Compute for repeat responses across rows.

2    In Repeat responses across rows of, enter the columns containing repeat response measurements.

3    In Store standard deviations in, enter the storage column for the standard deviations.

4    In Store number of repeats in, enter the storage column for the number of repeats.

5    In Store means in (optional), enter the storage column for the means of the repeats.

·     If your response measurements are replicates:

1    Choose Compute for replicates in each response column. Under Replicates in individual response columns, complete the table as follows:

2    Under Response, enter a column containing replicate responses in the first row.

3    Under Store Std Dev in, enter the storage column for the standard deviations for the response in the first row.

4    Under Store number of replicates in, enter the storage column for the number of replicates for the response in the first row.

5    In Adjust for covariates, enter columns containing covariates for which you want to account in the standard deviations for replicates. Minitab uses the same set of covariates for each response.

6    If you have more than one response with replicates, repeat steps 1-4 for each response in the next available row.

·     If you have already stored standard deviations for your repeat or replicate measurements, you need to define them before Minitab can use them in Analyze Variability.

1    Choose Standard deviations already in worksheet. Under Precalculated standard deviations in worksheet, complete the table as follows:

2    Under Store Std Dev in, enter the column containing the standard deviations of your repeat or replicate response in the first row.

3    Under Number of repeats or replicates, enter the column or constant containing the number of repeats or replicates in the first row.

4    If you have more than one column with stored standard deviations, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each stored column in the next available row.

3    Click OK.