Analyze Variability - Graphs
main topic
   see also 

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability > Graphs

You can display effects plots and residual plots for ratio, log, or standardized log residuals.

Dialog box items

Effects Plots

Normal: Check to display a normal probability plot of the effects.

Half Normal: Check to display a half normal plot of the effects.

Pareto: Check to display a Pareto chart of the effects.

Residuals for Plots

Ratio: Choose to plot the ratio residuals.

Ln: Choose to plot the log residuals.

Standardized ln: Choose to plot the standardized log residuals.

Residual Plots

Individual plots: Choose to display one or more residual plots.

Histogram: Check to display a histogram of the residuals.

Residuals versus fits: Check to plot the residuals versus the fitted values.

Residuals versus order: Check to plot the residuals versus the order of the data in the run order column. The run order for each data point is shown on the x-axis - for example, 1 2 3 4... n.

Three in one: Choose to display a layout of a histogram of the residuals, a plot of residuals versus fits, and a plot of residuals versus order.

Residuals versus variables: Check to display residuals versus selected variables, then enter one or more columns. Minitab displays a separate graph for each column.