Analyze Variability - Terms
main topic
    see also

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability > Terms

Allows you to specify which terms to include in the model.

Dialog box items

Include terms in the model up through order: Use this drop-down list to quickly set up a model with a specified order. Choose the maximum order for terms to include in the model. For example, if you choose 2, the terms change in the following ways:

·    Selected Terms: All main effects and a set of 2-way interactions that are not confounded with each other.

·    Available Terms: Any 2-way interactions that are confounded with the 2-way interactions in Selected Terms and all higher-order interactions.


If you define a custom factorial design, Minitab does not check which interactions are confounded. All interactions up to the specified order display in Selected Terms. Minitab removes confounded terms from the model later, when you analyze the model.

Available Terms: Shows all terms that are not included in the fitted model.

Selected Terms: Minitab includes terms shown in Selected Terms when it fits the model.

Include blocks in the model: Check to include blocks in the model. Minitab only enables this checkbox if multiple values are in the block column for the design.

Include center points in the model: Check to include center points as a term in the model. Minitab enables this checkbox if zeroes are in the CenterPt column of the worksheet.