Factorial Design - Designs (Plackett-Burman)
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design > choose Plackett-Burman > Designs

Specifies the number of runs, center points, replicates, and blocks.

Dialog box items

Number of runs: Choose the number of runs in the design you want to generate. The design generated is based on the number of runs, and must be specified as a multiple of 4 ranging from 12 to 48. If the number of runs is not specified, Minitab sets the number of runs to the smallest possible value for the specified number of factors. Plackett-Burman Designs lists the designs that Minitab generates.

Number of center points per replicate: Enter the number of center points (up to 50) to add to the design. When you have both text and numeric factors, there really is no true center to the design. In this case, center points are called pseudo center points. See Adding center points for a discussion of how Minitab handles center points.

Number of replicates: Enter a number up to 50. Suppose you are creating a design with 3 factors and 12 runs, and you specify 2 replicates. Each of the 12 runs will be repeated for a total of 24 runs in the experiment.

Block on replicates: Check to block the design on replicates. Each set of replicate points will be placed in a separate block.