Factorial Design - Designs
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design > choose General full factorial design > Design

Allows you to name factors, specify the number of levels for each factor, add replicates, and block the design.

Dialog box items

Factor: Shows the number of factors you have chosen for your design. This column does not take any input.

Name: Enter text to change the name of the factors. By default, Minitab names the factors alphabetically.

Number of Levels: Enter a number from 2 to 100 for each factor. Use the arrow keys to move up or down the column.

Number of replicates: Enter a number up to 50. Suppose you are creating a design with 3 factors and 12 runs, and you specify 2 replicates. Each of the 12 runs will be repeated for a total of 24 runs in the experiment.

Block on replicates: Check to block the design on replicates. Each set of replicate points will be placed in a separate block.